Orientation and Guidance Session for Assistant Chef beneficiaries: Joined Safadi Foundation as a beneficiary, Returned as a Professional Chef
As part of its implementation of the work-based training program for Assistant Chefs, supported by the International Labour Organization (ILO) through the ENABLE program funded by the European Union, and the SKILL UP program funded by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation, the Safadi Foundation conducted an orientation and guidance session for new participating beneficairies . The session was attended by Ms. Joy Daher, Skills, Employment, and Resilience Program Officer at the ILO’s ENABLE program, Mr. Khaled Hanouf, Programs Director at the Safadi Foundation, and the foundation’s team members.
The session started with a speech by program coordinator Hala Fattal, who addressed the beneficairies , emphasizing that success requires commitment, effort, and sacrifice. She highlighted that the path to success is filled with challenges that individuals can overcome through resilience and perseverance. She also underscored the essential role played by Safadi Foundation in supporting young people by equipping them with skills that facilitate their integration into the labor market.
Following the screening of video clips summarizing the professional training received by young men and women in the culinary field, Chef Mohammad Al-Abdallah shared his inspiring journey. Al-Abdallah joined the Safadi Foundation in 2018 as a trainee and later returned as a professional chef after working abroad for several years. Now a chef at Al-Mazloum Hospital in Lebanon, he recounted the obstacles he faced and how they transformed into stepping stones for success. He encouraged his fellow trainees to pursue their dreams and ambitions without yielding to hardships, viewing challenges as motivators for growth and achievement.
Ms. Daher also addressed the trainees, urging them to seize every opportunity available, assess its value, and remain open to different offers, as each experience contributes to enhancing their skills and career development.
The session concluded with a reception featuring an assortment of desserts prepared by the trainees, applying the guidance and skills they had acquired during their training.